Locafox GmbH

  • 2016

    Senior Backend Engineer


    08.2016 - 01.2019 | Berlin, Germany

    Locafox is an omnichannel advertising service for products as well as a digital sale system, so-called POS, for small and medium-sized retailers. Through such products and services, local retailers are introduced to smart online tools, being fostered in competition with online marketplaces. As a Senior Backend Software Engineer the responsibilities are:

    • Design and architect our core software application and services in the cloud.
    • Maintain a scalable and flexible architecture to process sheer amounts of data.
    • Create and maintain automated test cases.
    • Work closely with service teams to improve workflow and data processes.
    • Monitor and maintain our backend systems to ensure they are up and working 24/7
    • Look for ways to improve the overall performance and efficiency of our system.
    • Care deeply about code quality, performance, and execution.
    • Lead by example when problems arise and come up with smart solutions.
    I joined the company to take ownership of their NodeJS data processing system but then later took responsibility together with the CTO on the large endeavour of refactoring the entire backend structure into a flexible and scalable architecture. Among general responsibilities some of my major undertakings were:
    • Through refactoring and RCA detected and mitigated issues reducing the technical integration time from weeks to less than an hour.
    • Created a fully flexible integration architecture based on pipelines and easily configurable building blocks empowering service teams.
    • Set up code quality measurements within our development team raising standards to industry best practices using ESLint and Sonar.
    • Designed and refactored together with the CTO the entire backend infrastructure, planning and executed the migration afterwards.
    • Developed a suite of integration and unit tests raising coverage to over 90% using Mocha, Chai and Istanbul in all stacks.
    • Reduced the infrastructure costs down to 25% of the previous setup with use of AWS computing services on demand.

    Keywords: nodejs, mocha, chai, istanbul, express, architecture design, mysql, aws emr, aws s3, aws kinesis, aws dynamo, aws athena, aws cloudwatch, aws lambda, aws rds, elastic search, jenkins, jira, trello, git

Work Share

  • Node.js
  • MySQL, Athena, Dynamo, Elasticsearch, S3 (Data Storage)
  • Deployment, Scripts, Server/Service configuration and tuning
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Microservices
  • Legacy
  • Centralized servers
  • Architectural and Solution Design
  • Testing Automation and New Development
  • Maintenance and Technical Debt

Languages Used

  • English
  • German
